Subsidies "Aulas AtecA"

Technological Classrooms in Training and Learning Spaces

We help companies and vocational training centres to grow through 4.0 technologies

At Invelon we help companies and training centres to improve their production processes and learning methodologies thanks to new technologies, such as Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality.

Through new technologies, we seek to recreate the training of students in their specialised field, through a virtual space where they can improve their skills and abilities.

What are the benefits of integrating Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality in the classroom?

  • The training possibilities are completely unlimited, Extended Reality has no physical barriers.
  • Learning is completely active, as there is interaction and participation in what is being learnt.
  • Virtual Reality improves students' soft skills or interpersonal skills, such as the ability to solve problems, critical thinking, teamwork and emotional intelligence.
  • The staff required to carry out the training is reduced because the student can do it autonomously.
  • The centre saves significantly on costs, as it is cheaper to train using these technologies than to set up fictitious scenarios in which to carry out simulations.
  • It standardises procedures and replaces physical manuals, which are often outdated.
  • It speeds up training, making it much more enjoyable, didactic and practical. In addition, the training can be repeated as many times as necessary. 
  • Avoid unnecessary risks and learn to resolve dangerous situations in a safe environment.

Centres already working with us

At Invelon we work with several Vocational Training centres, integrating Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality in their training plans.

Download the guide for more information or contact us, and we will help you without obligation

Contact us

Do you need more information about any of our solutions or would you like us to assess you on how to integrate Industry 4.0 technologies into your company?

Invelon Technologies company has calculated its carbon footprint with the result of 7.72 Tn of CO₂ through the Sustainability program of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and the Lleida Chamber of Commerce.

Invelon Technologies SL

Polígono Activa Park, 3 Térmens Road
25191 - Lleida (Lleida)

+34 873 400 917

Invelon Corp

228 East 45th Street, Suite 9E
New York, NY 10017

Egypt Delegation

27 Khalil Mutran St., Saba Basha
Alexandria (Egipto)

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Proyecto FAV-010200-2022-29, con título Diseño y desarrollo de una nueva plataforma low code para la creación de metaversos, financiado por el Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública.

Invelon Technologies, S.L. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX-Next y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación de Fondos Europeos FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno.